Saturday, February 9, 2008

NMPS Norfolk completed

Okay so NMPS Norfolk or any NMPS site for that matter is simply a processing site designed in order to help you complete your ECRC Checklist and ensure that you are deployable.

The information listed below might change from when I went through to when you might process through. The program is critique driven and organized so it is likely that it will change.

Your time there is one week overall. You will either stay in the barracks on base or out in town at the Lake Wright Inn.

During your time there you will square away your medical i.e. shots, meds, etc. Dental, uniform issue and PSD issues such as Family Seperation Allowance starting. For those of you who are Reservist while you are there you will be brought into an Active Duty status.

Monday is the start of the week and essentially an indoctrination day where they give you your 'Tri-fold folder' that has all the sheets that you need. The Chaplain, OIC, ECRC and NSO will brief you.

Tuesday starts off with PT at 0630. From there you will must at 0830 at NMPS and begin your medical/dental processing. I implore you to get this taken care of while you are with your Permanent Duty Station. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time waiting in line and missing out on a lot of free time. Once your medical issues are done you are essentially finished with NMPS save for a few briefs and uniform issue. Tuesday evening you will be sized for your uniforms.

Wednesday starts of with PT at you guess it 0630. Muster again at 0830 for those who have medical appointments and other things to take care of. If you are finished with everything the day is yours to do with it what you want. The ECRC will meet with you this day and help you with any last things you need to be completed.

Thursday is a PT day as well. Medical throughout the day and PSD appointments for those that need them. You will meet with someone from PSD who will brief you on how to fill out your travel claim that you will be required to fill out every 30 days. BE SURE THAT YOU KEEP ALL YOUR RECEIPTS! If you stay out in town, are authorized a rental car ensure that you get it in writing and maintain a copy for yourself otherwise you will not be reimbursed. This is when you will do your final checkout. Also you will be sized out for your CRB suit and your gas mask, which requires you to sit under a plastic hood with a scented gas being leaked into it while you move your head around.

Friday is a short day in which you will pick up your uniforms. Ensure everything is there. The only things you will be allowed to keep is your boots, blouse, slacks, socks and covers. Anything that touches your skin in other words. If you don't bring something back when you are done you just bought it.

Saturday you must bright an early to complete an 8 hour drive to Fort Jackson if that is your next stop .

If you need dog tags you can order them at NMPS. Remember to pack light. You will need civies while at NMPS as well as a working uniform or utilities. On Thursday they will ask you to mail off the items that you don't need. Do remember that when all is said and done you will end up with 4 seabags worth of equipment and clothing that you have to lug around on your own. So again pack light.

For those of you who are going to Afghanistan or HOA Djibouti you will be issued Dixocycline which is a 100 MG pill used to prevent molaria. Rumor has it people have been experiencing hallucinations while on it. You are required to take it daily and one of the common side effects is it will enhance your chances of getting sunburned.

I recommend that you purchase a Camelbak it will make things easier and better than lugging around canteens.

If you have any questions leave comments or shoot me an email at

1 comment:

Celia said...

Tag, you're it. (Whenever you get a chance to blog again...) The post is from 2/19 on my blog.